The AquaSketcher

A very useful tool when designing your aquascape.
This lets you make a sketch of your future design!

The Aquarium Diagnoser

Is something wrong with your plants?
This tool might help you.

AquaGlossary - A Collection of Aquarium Terms

A glossary of terms from the world of aquarium-keeping.

CO2 Calculations

These are useful CO2 calculators that can help you balance your CO2/pH levels.
There are three tools to choose from :

Aquarium Glass Thickness Calculator

This calculator is for those who like building their own tank.

Fish Tank Electrics

Light, filter heater and heater-cable requirements calculator.

Aquatic Plants Fertilization Calculator

To use this tool: Fill in your aquarium volume, select the chemical you want to use for each of the nutrient category then fill in the amount of each chemical.

Water Changes Calculator

Not sure if your water changes regimen will keep your water clean? This tool can help.

Aquarium Volume Calculator

Calculate the volume of your aquarium. Pick the shape that fits yours.