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Hope for Rain

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Setup is formed in the begging of September. Ryouboku style, with central positioned driftwoods. Driftwoods are old grape wine roots and trunks. Maintenance: Water change every 3 days. Trimming of stem plants every 7-10 days, trimming of Riccia - every two weeks, trimming of Glossostigma - once a month, trimming of Mosses once a month. Fertilization: Nutrafin NPK 2 ml, after every water change, Easy Life Profito 4 ml, after every water change, Easy Life Ferro 1 ml, after every water change, Easy Carbo 10 ml, every day.


100x50x50 cm, 250 liters

Water Conditions

Never tested


Glossostigma elatinoides, Riccia sp, Microsorum windelow, Microsorum pteropus narrow, Bolbitis heudelotti, Taxiphylum barbieri, Anubias nana, Echinodorus tennelus, Cryptocoryne becketti var. petchii, Heminathus michrantemhoides, Rotala sp. green, Rotala rotundifolia, Rotal nanjenshan, Valisneria nana, ,


Hasemania nana, Megalophodus megalopterus, Neocardinia dentricullata,


Wine grape driftwood


White paper


Sump driven by power heads -total flow 2500 l per hour, hang on filter with protein skimmer, -500 l per hour, CO2 DIY yeast and sugar, CO2 diffusor DIY


I could look at this tank all day. I like the use of the branching wood. It really gives the tank a little personality. I also like those black phantom tetras. I have wanted some but never had another tank for them.